Saturday, April 9, 2011

P is for...PRISON

This is my new home.

And I sure hope you'll visit me. I'm hoping Marlene will bake me some cute cupcakes that look like hamburgers.
Too bad they'll be too small for her to hide a file in...

What am I blathering on about? Well, if you've followed my blog for a while, you may remember my last almost-brush with the law. You would think I'd have learned better, but you would be wrong.

It all started innocently enough...a fellow teacher at my school asked if I could do some bibs and burpies for her relative. Monkeys on one set...that's all good.But for the other set, she asked me to recreate the NC State logo.
Well, hmmm, I could TRY and I sure do love a challenge. So I made this:
Came out pretty good, right? So what's the problem?
Well, after I was finished, I looked at the picture of the logo again and that's when I noticed that little dot at the bottom right.
Truly, I couldn't see it and maybe you can't, either.
It's THIS:
Hey, at least I'll get a snazzy new haircut.

And maybe make some new friends.
Thanks for stopping by!
And if I haven't been apprehended by late tonight,
I'll use the random number generator to choose a winner in our
Still time to enter!


  1. LOL! You're a nut! I'll come visit you!

  2. So funny! If you end up doing time, I'll be glad to bake you cupcakes! Ha ha, no file though because as much as I like you I don't want to join you in jail! ;-)

    BTW-As usual, your design is adorable....even if it is against the law.

  3. I am not a State fan (I am UNC) but my boyfriend is die-hard State & I laughed when I read this because I have painted the State logo on tons of items around my house so hopefully I won't be put in "jail" over this. By the way what you made is really cute so I don't see a problem because it is different.

  4. Thanks, Ladies! I'm currently still on the lam and ready to draw the winner for the wine sleeve. Fingers crossed!!

  5. OMG...I will tell the hubby to watch for your name on the pharmacy list...that is if you take meds...(he does audits in prison pharmacies)
    When I first started doing embroidery I had so many people asking me to do TM and R takes forever to explain that even though it is small scale (like one item) can still get caught... And DISNEY is the worse..
